Therefore, it is no great surprise that on the way back from a job in Wilsmlow on Wednesday, we couldn't resist the temptation to drive into the aircraft viewing park at Manchester Airport.
It's been a few years since we were last there and there have been quite a few changes (not the least the MASSIVE hike in the admission charge - from £2 to £7). In addition, the Concorde which was on open display is now housed in a building and you have to pay AGAIN to be able to go to see it (a disgraceful £5 - perhaps the powers that be there need to remember who paid for the aircraft in the first place).
Still, for those of us lucky enough to be able to afford these outrageous prices it's still good to go and see aircraft taking off and landing at close quarters.
Now if only the owners of the site provided some half decent facilities to match their over-inflated prices.........
Here are a couple of my favourite photographs from my brief visit.
A Cathay Pacific Boeing 747 Cargo aircraft during take off