Once again the weather behaved itself which everyone including ourselves, was extremely grateful for.
The church really is something special. We have been here before and so knew what to expect. I is in a lovely rural location and set on high ground with lovely views over the Vale of Clwyd. Inside, it is unusual in having twin aisles.
As I say, the reception was at the lovely Ruthin Castle. Part of this building dates back to the 13th century. You only have to stand in the ruins and imagine the thousands of people who have trodden the same paths. It's an incredible experience and a wonderland place for a wedding reception.
A really lovely couple and it was a great pleasure to be with them for their special day and here are a few photos from the many hundreds we took today
All photographs from this wedding can be found at www.barrieneilonline.com
Our main website is at Barrie Neil Photography
More photographs from Ruthin Castle and other venues can be found both in this blog and on our main wedding website at www.barrieneilweddings.co.uk