In the course of our work (as you'll see from our website) we have met some pretty famous people but for the first time, I think I have been star struck and not a little smitten.
If you have been reading our 'twitterings' in this blog, you'll know that last night (12th July 2009) we were photographing the James Bond Gala Concert at the final night of the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod 2009 as part of a our annual commission to cover the celebrity activities at this event.
A beautiful DB9 had kindly been loaned for the duration of the event by the good people at Aston Martin and this stood looking magnificently and slightly arrogantly, outside the main entrance
to t

he pavilion. What could make such a beautiful piece of craftsmanship look better? The answer came in the form of Honor Blackman (aka "Pussy Galore" in the film Goldfinger). The PR people were uncertain that Ms Blackman would have the time or energy to leave her dressing room to pose for me outside as she was about to go on stage for what was to be a very long evening for a lady (2 hours almost non stop on stage) but as I had met her a few times before and my father had worked with her on the film all those years ago, I was asked to bring my charm to bear.
Result, one very happy photographer. The car paled almost into insignificance as Honor

Blackman resplendent in a stunning bright orange and gold gown posed just for me with the DB9.
Could the evening get any better for this photographer. Simply, yes it could and did.
The concert itself was absolutely tremendous. If you are a James

Bond fan you were in 7th heaven and even if you are not, the music is always wonderful to hear especially when played by the orchestra of the Welsh National Opera conducted by the renowned Carl Davis. The vocal numbers were energetically performed by Simon Bowman and Mary Carewe and pretty magnificently too might I add.

Anyway, enough of this. You might have gathered we enjoyed ourselves as did the thousands in the audience. So Llangollen has ended for another year. I'm already looking forward to 2010
but for now, it's editing of the thousands of images from this year's event
(L to R) Simon Bowman, Honor Blackman, Mervyn Cousins, Mary Carewe and Carl Davis