Blake were on top form and to see women old enough to be their mothers slobbering after them back stage was an event in itself.

What can you say about Natasha Marsh? Not only is she a very beautiful woman (and a mum too) with an incredible voice but such a delightful person as well.
The stage layout and lighting effects have been dramatically changed at Llangollen this year and in a word, it's stunning. The technical girls and boys at the Royal Pavilion have worked miracles yet again.
I'm sure anyone who saw the concert will agree it was breathtaking. Anyone who didn't - where were you!
Oh yes, nearly forgot, we met up with our old friend Russell Grant (celebrity astrologer). He seems to have become a fixture at this year's festival and certainly livens the place up.
As the official Eisteddfod photographers, we took hundreds of photos before, during and after the show and we'll share a few with you here