The wedding this time was a Civil Wedding with the ceremony taking place in front of a Registrar in the beautiful panelled dining room in Thornton Manor.
We had terrific fun photographing the wedding. The girls getting ready were laughing so much, I didn't think they would have the energy to make it to the ceremony (especially with the champagne that was being enjoyed in their room!).
The ceremony was lovely - Joanne was stunning and as she walked down the red carpet in the famous Lyme Walk, she took everybody's breath away. It was a cold and misty day but it has to be said, the mist created a wonderful mystical atmosphere for the photographs and that combined with the always tasteful Christmas decorations inside at Thornton Manor produced a wonderful setting for a magical wedding.
Here is a small selection of photographs from the day.

More photographs from Thornton Manor and other venues can be found both in this blog and on our main wedding website at