Wednesday 30 September 2009

This week..

We've been very busy this week. We've finished editing the photographs from Angela and Howard's wedding on Saturday (26th Sept 2009) and have been finishing off the final edit and 'polish up' of some images we are supplying to a tourist board for a forthcoming promotional leaflet and brochure.

It's actually very difficult producing this sort of photography. Any organisation wanting to promote a town or city obviously wants it to look it's best which means clean, uncluttered streets and blue skies. Of course, living in the UK it's almost impossible to judge when these three situations come together which can and does make life very difficult.

On Thursday, Neil's sister has her baby (whoo hoo) so we are no doubt going to be travelling over to Liverpool to visit her and the little 'un (my money is on a girl but we shall see) but first of all we are off to Manchester Airport for a commercial photography assignment for one of our regular clients.

Saturday the 3rd October (good grief, it's almost my birthday again) will see us at the wedding of Heather and John at the magnificent St Werburgh's Church in the centre of Chester followed by the reception just down the road at the Queen Hotel.

As I write this, Neil is looking at holiday company websites. He should be so lucky!